philoSOPHIA| CFs&Talks| CFPs&Ads| Links-News
Related Primarily but Not Exclusively to
Continental Feminist Philosophy and Theory.
listing upon request by email
(ABST New Deadline: 12/15/2014)
9th Annual Conference
Neolithic to Neoliberal:
Communities Human and Non-Human
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
May 14-16, 2015
Local Hosts:
Submit All Proposals to
by December 15, 2014
Keynote Speakers:
Drucilla Cornell| Lisa Guenther & Chloë Taylor| Kelly Oliver
Plenary Session:
The Ethical Lives of Animals
(Co-sponsored by Center for Ethics, Emory)
A Journal of Continental Feminism
[Fall-Winter 2014]
Job Opening: Feminist Theory| Junior Faculty: Tenure-track or Similar
Annual Conference
InterContinental Hotel, New Orleans, LA
Until 10/25/2014
philoSOPHIA PANEL: Thursday, 10/23, 9:00am-12:00pm, Pontalba
<<Resonating with Beauvoir: A Feminist Roundtable>>
Moderator: Shannon Sullivan, UNC Charlotte
Speakers: Nancy Bauer, Tufts University
Kathryn Gines, Penn State University
Laura Hengehold, Case Western Reserve University
Kyoo Lee, CUNY John Jay College
Stella Sandford, Kingston University, London
Shannon Sullivan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Job Opening: Dept Head of Philosophy, Penn State University
[Spring-Summer 2014]
Bodily Difference, Elemental Difference: Alterities of Political Ecology
Towson University, MD
Hyatt Regency at the Arch, St. Louis, MO
Until 06/21/2014
May Be: Existential Mutability, Probability, Uncertainty. 06/19/2014, 12:30-2:30pm
"On Becoming Who You Are: What the Second of The Second Sex Is & Does In & After Beauvoir," Kyoo Lee
"Existentialism and Probability," Dorothea Olkowski
"Existentialism in a Post-Genomic World," Ada Jaarsma
Lines of Differentiation: Double, Dual, Reproduction, 06/20/2014, 12:15-2:15pm
"Double-Consciousness and the Color Line," John Pittman
"Hearing Auditory Identities," Devonya Havis
"Africana Existence, Afro-Modernity, "Continent(s) of Black Consciousness" and the Politics of Memory," Pat Goodin
03/31/2014 (conference 09/19-20/2014)
Mickaella Perina & Falguni Sheth| Michael Monahan & Grant Silva
nnual Meeting 2014| Keynote Speaker: Anita L. Allen, UPenn Law School
Marquette University, Milwaukee
[Fall-Winter 2013]
12/26/2013 ff
To promote visibility of work in continental feminism, philoSOPHIA members are strongly encouraged to submit bibliographic references & full papers to PhilPapers: provide abstracts and keywords if possible for searchability, and categorize your work. Questions may be directed to PhilPapers editor for Continental Feminism, Emanuela Bianchi.
Anthology on Transgressing the Limit: Borders and Liminality in Philosophy and Literature
Annual Conference
Hilton Eugene and Conference Center, Eugene, OR
Until 10/26/2013
philoSOPHIA PANEL: Thursday, 10/24, 9:00am-12:00pm
Bloch (Lobby Level)
“Individuals, Corporate Persons, and Situated Selves,” Ladelle McWhorter, University of Richmond
"Why Sleep? A Feminist Philosophical Answer," Cressida Heyes, University of Alberta,
"Kierkegaard Goes to Hot Yoga: Spiritual Practice and Feminist Critique," Ada Jaarsma, Mount Royal University
"The Reproductive Politics of Mass Incarceration," Lisa Guenther, Vanderbilt University
"Miscarriage and Intercorporeality," Ann J. Cahill, Elon University
2nd Annual Meeting| Keynote Speakers: Julia Kristeva (Univ. of Paris VII Diderot) and Tina Chanter (DePaul Univ.)
Vanderbilt University, Nashille
Michel Foucault 2014: Beyond Sexuality
Hofstra University, Hempstead
[Spring-Summer 2013]
philoSOPHIA 2013:7th Annual Meeting
Banff Conference Center, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Until 05/05/2013
Special Issue on Hysteria Manifest: Cultural Lives of a Great Disorder
02/18/2013 ff
Join FAB today and receive a two-year membership for the price of one, including a two-year online subscription to its flagship publication, the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB), a discounted registration rate for the biennial FAB World Congress, and the option to apply for a needs-based travel grant to facilitate attendance at the Congress.
[Fall-Winter 2012]
37th Annual Meeting: Self & Others, Silence & Solitude
Fordham University Press, NY, NY
Until 09/22/2012
[Spring-Summer 2012]
Special Issue on Interstices: Women of Color Feminist Philosophy
37th Annual Meeting: Self & Others, Silence & Solitude
Fordham University Press, NY, NY
philoSOPHIA 2012:6th Annual Meeting
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Until 04/14/2012
Special Issue on Phenomenology, Affect, and Emotion
Inaugural Meeting
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
Panel/Edited Volume on Feminist Interpretations of William James
[Fall-Winter 2011]
philoSOPHIA 2012:6th Annual Meeting: Translating the Canon
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Annual Conference
the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel, Philadelphia, PA
Until 10/22/2011
philoSOPHIA PANEL: Thursday, 10/20, 9:00am-11:30am
Cook Room
Deleuze and Feminism
Moderator: Sarah Hansen, Vanderbilt University
"Just Say 'No' to Becoming-Woman," Claire Colebrook, The Pennsylvania State University
"Molecular Love, Bacterial Sex, and Panpsychic Feminism," John Protevi, Louisiana State University
"Experiments in Nomadic Intersubjectivity," Tamsin Lorraine, Swarthmore College
"The Rhizomatic Pope: Reproductive Kinship in Organism and Organization," Mary Beth Mader, University of Memphis
[Spring-Summer 2011]
Special Issue on Feminism, Autonomy & Reproductive Technology
philoSOPHIA 2011: 5th Annual Meeting
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Until 05/08/2011
Special Issue on "Viral"
02/16/2011 (conference: 05/31-06/03, 2011)
EPTCExistential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture
EPTC 2011 Annual Meeting/Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities of Canada
Gender and States of Emergency
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
[Fall-Winter 2010]
Sexuate Subjects: Politics, Poetics and Ethics
UCL< London, UK
Until 12/05/2009
philoSOPHIA 2011:5th Annual Meeting
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Reading Other Asias with Hamid Dabashi and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
2-4pm, The Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
Annual Conference
Marriott Château Champlain, 1 Place du Canada, Montreal, Canada
Until 11/06/2010
A Conference in Honor of Sue Weinberg (1925-2010)
12-6pm, The Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
Reading Post-Orientalism with Hamid Dabashi and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
2-4pm, The Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
The Medusa Project: Conference Celebrating Cixous's "The Laugh of Medusa"
9am=5pm, NYU’s La Maison Française (16 Washington Mews), NYC, NY
[Spring-Summer 2010]
Women in the Military
Feminism and Capitalism
Room 201, 4:00-6:30pm, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
philoSOPHIA 2010/Mellon Workshop: All in the Family?
Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
Until 03/26/2010
Special Issue on "Safe"
Re-Orientale: Reading Orientalism with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Kyoo Lee
Martin Segal Theatre, 6:30pm, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
Nicole Cooley; Victoria Pitts-Taylor; Talia Schaffer; Pamela Stone et al.
The Mother Symposium
Martin Segal Theatre, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
Sharing the World... with Luce Irigaray
ETPC: Existential Theory, Phenomenology and Culture
Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
All in the Family? Interdisciplinary Workshop on Kinship and Community
The Mellon Foundation and philoSOPHIA 2010
CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
[Fall-Winter 2009]
Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française (SAPLF): Topic: Recent French Feminism(s)
Chair: Pleshette DeArmitt (University of Memphis)
Brigitte Weltman-Aron (University of Florida), "La ‹‹D. S.››: Sexual Difference in the Work of Hélène Cixous."
Mary Beth Mader (University of Memphis), "Genevieve Fraisse and the Politics of Consent."
Kelly Oliver (Vanderbilt University), "Kristeva on Freedom, Choice and Maternity"
Who Cares About Family?
Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, Proshansky Auditorium, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
Annual Conference
Marriott Key Bridge Hotel, Arlington, VA
Until 10/31/2009
Linda Alcoff; Linda Fisher; Lisa Käll; Patricia Locke; Mariana Ortega
Annual Meeting: "Sotomayor's Reasoning"; Forging Interdisciplinary Connections
George Washington University, Gelman Library, Room 301/302, 7:00-11:00pm, D.C.
Until 10/28/2009
Sotomayor's Reasoning
4:00-6:00pm, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
What's Sex Got to Do with Family?
Center for the Humanities, Proshansky Auditorium, 6:30-8:00pm, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY
The Sexes of Evolution: Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, and Evolutionary Theory
Fogelman Executive Center, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
Until 09/26/2009
Annual Conference with Irigaray's Videotalk: "How Can We Meet the Other?"
Stony Brook Manhattan Campus, NYC, NY
Until 09/12/2009
[Spring-Summer 2009]
philoSOPHIA 2009: Cross-examining Now: Intersections of Gender, Race and Class
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, NYC, NY
Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, NYC, NY
Until 05/29/2009
\Publication Roundtable: Notes from Wendy Lochner (Senior Executive Editor, Columbia University Press)
\Publication Roundtable: Notes from Helen Tartar (Editorial Director, Fordham University Press)